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On October 23-25, 2003, Shirley A. Walker was a presenter of a poster session at the National Association of Social Workers/Texas Chapter state conference in Arlington, Texas. The poster presentation was entitled Childless Women, Forgotten People. It highlighted the results of a research study she completed about the needs, concerns, and daily life of women without children in America. Her book, Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey, was based on this research study and includes the personal stories of six of the study participants and a section on "What We Want America To Know" in the voices of all twenty-three women who participated in the study.

September 2004 marks the beginning of Shirley's service as a school board member of Round Rock Christian Academy in Round Rock, Texas.

Press Release: Belton Journal (Belton, Texas) December 2, 2004

UMHB professor publishes "Women Without Children"

Shirley A. Walker, associate professor of Social Work at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor recently published her book, Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey.

Walker opens discussion about women who chose to be childless and women who are childless for other reasons in twenty-first century America. This small volume is based on her research study and includes the personal stories of six of the study participants and a section on "What We Want America To Know" in the voices of all twenty-three women who participated in the study. There is a special message to each human being who struggles with adversity at one time or another in their life journeys.

Reviewers find professional and spiritual value in Walker's book. Dr. Susan Daniewicz with the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor states, "Shirley Walker understands the experiences of these women and brings these experiences to life for the reader. She provides recommendations for professionals and institutions that offer services to women on ways to become more inclusive and sensitive to the needs of this often-invisable group. With sensitivity and clarity, Walker provides a forum where voices of childless can be heard."

Walker's book sheds light on common societal assumptions, stereotypes, and generalizations about childlessness. It provides a deeper understanding of the needs, concerns, and issues affecting childless women.

Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey (ISBN: 1-4137-4883-X), scheduled for release January 31, 2005, will be available at bookstores and online.

January 6, 2005: "Reading" at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Writers' Festival, Belton, Texas

Shirley is scheduled to read from her book, Women Without Children, Who Are They?: A Life Journey, on January 6, 2005.

January 7, 2005: What a blessed, affirming experience I had at the Writers' Festival. Praise God!

Book Signing! February 4, 2005 from 12:30-3:30 at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor bookstore on campus. Please stop by!

Successful Book Signing. Praise God! Thirty-three books purchased at the signing today. Wonderful start to sharing God's message!

Book Signing on March 6, 2005 Sponsored by Central Baptist Church, Round Rock, Texas: 12:45-2:45. Please Come By!

Praise God! The book signing at my church on March 6, 2005 was truly blessed. Many people will be reading God's message to the world. Thank you Pastor Mark, Libbie Seaton, and church staff at Central Baptist in Round Rock. A special thank you to my sisters in Christ, friends, and assistants at the signing: Carol Helms and Susan Owen!

TV Interview AppearanceTo Discuss My Book: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 12:00 noon on Julie Shelton 's show on KWTX-TV, Channel 10 in Waco, Texas! Praise God for this opportunity to share with more people His message to the world!

March 16, 2005- I was nervous but enjoyed my appearance on the Julie Shelton News Show, KWTX-TV Channel 10 in Waco, Texas today!! It was too short! Those of you who know me also know how much I love to talk! What a blessing to share even a small part of God's message with others.

On April 23, 2005 I have a scheduled group booksigning at Mitchie's Gallery in Austin, Texas! Please come out from 2:00-5:00pm. The Gallery is located in Lincoln Center across from Highland Mall.

April 28, 2005: What a blessed time I had at my first "group" booksigning and panel discussion at Mitchie's Gallery in Austin, Texas! I enjoyed the other authors' presentations and interacting with the audience. Thank you Joyce, owner of the gallery. She is now carrying my book on her shelves at Mitchie's Gallery. Go by or visit her website at Praise God!!

Women Without Children Fellowship Seminar Series Begins August 1 through August 29, 2005 each Monday from 5:30-6:45 p.m. at Mitchie's Gallery Conference Room (Lincoln Village Center) in Austin, Texas. It provides talk and support for women who have never given birth and reared a child. Check out for more information. What a blessed ministry this will be. Praise God!

Praise God for a blessed beginning for our women without children fellowship!! Be looking for the next five-week series covering the following topics: Beginnings, Misconceptions and Stereotypes, Environmental Stress, Loss and Chronic Sorrow, and God's Work In My Life.

September 9, 2005 Langdon WeekEnd, a literary conference in Granbury, Texas. I will be discussing and reading from my book. Praise God for this opportunity to be His vessel again!

Update: What another relaxing, yet blessed and wonderful time at the Langdon WeekEnd literary conference in Granbury, Texas! The presentation and fellowship was beyond words. Thank you Lord Jesus for allowing be to be used as your vessel to carry your message! Praise God!

March 30, 2006-Praise God for my selection as the Social Worker of the Year for the National Association of Social Workers/TX chapter, Central Counties Branch! It is another opportunity to give glory and honor to my Father for working through me to meet the needs of others.

May 4, 2007-Today I was promoted to full Professor of Social Work at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, Texas! Praise God for this achievement! All honor and praise goes to God, my Father! May I always represent Him well to others that I meet in this life.

October 9, 2007-This has been a difficult two months, culminating in the homegoing of my friend and prayer partner at my church. It has also been an exciting week with my attendance at the Rifiki Foundation training in Florida. I believe God is leading me to serve on a mini-missions trip to Ghana, West Africa this summer. Praise God!

June/July 2008-MiniMission Trip to Ghana, Africa. Praise God for the opportunity to go, serve, give, and receive . This is a very special time in my life. Keep me and others in your prayers! As always, God's blessings to you!

July 18, 2008-Hello everyone! I am back from my mini-mission trip to Ghana, Africa. What a blessed and wonderful time spent there. There is so much to share that I do not have room to contain it all. Just believe me that God blessed me in so many ways, and I pray I was a blessing to others in some way, too. Praise God!

March 2009-My private clinical practice has moved to Georgetown, Texas! Hopefully I can see people in the greater Austin/Round Rock/Gerogetown area and the greater Temple/Belton/Killeen area for Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (TSBSWE) Approved IPR Supervision of master's and bachelor's professional social workers. Praise God!

April 2010-This month has been a whirlwind! However, it surely has been blessed by God, my Father! I am in the process of retiring from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor after a total of 17 years and rank of "Professor". WOW! Where has the time gone? I will miss everyone, especially my students but leave behind a fund set up to honor my sister who died in April, 2009: The Gloria Jean Gorham Social Work Student Support Fund. She was a long time educator (teacher and principal) at Crawford Elementary School in Houston, Texas. I will continue with my independent clinical social work practice in Georgetown, Texas and caregiving my wonderful mom. Please keep us in your prayers!

June/July 2010- My independent clinical social work practice has three focuses: IPR supervision of LMSWs and LBSWs; Counseling for adult caregivers of aging parents; and talk/seminar groups for women who have never borne and reared children. This is a faith-based practice open to all. Praises to God!

September 2010-"Women Without Children"Seminar Series-A six-week faith-based seminar series for women who have never given birth and reared a child. We will discuss issues relevant to this group's life experiences. Expect a blessed time!

November 2010-Hello again! WOW! God is good and great. Norma Quinten, LBSW, and I are preparing to offer Caregivers Education Seminars (CES) for paid caregivers and other human service professionals.

February 2011-God has been so good to me and my family in the home going of my beautiful mom who now lives with Him in Heaven. Praise God! She is loved so much by me and one day she will meet me as I enter Heaven, too! I want to thank everyone, so many people who have been such a support to me and family during these difficult times.

January 2012-WOW! What a whirlwind of growth and blessings from the Holy Spirit since my last update. I am teaching a series of classes at my church called "Family Caregivers Conversations". God moves! Praise God! We are resurrecting the "Connection Team Ministry", part of the Prayer Ministry at my church. I am facilitating it again with a new mission of under girding our pastors and ministry leaders in weekly prayer. Praise God! If anyone is interested in praying for our nation, our churches to come back to God and be holy, and freedom from old wounds and stuck places in believers everywhere, then use the "Contact Me" button for information on joining the"National Network of Intercessory Prayers". We also pray for intercessors who have been wounded by family, church, ministry, or society. Please keep me in your prayers. God bless you.

July 2013-God is good and great. Much has happened in my personal journey. All has been to my growth and God's glory! Thank you, Father God! I am facilitating a new seminar series, God's Transforming Journey of Caregiving, "Family Caregivers Conversations". Contact me for more information!

January 2014-Welcome to Christ Evangelistic Ministries that encompasses my clinical social work faith-based practice and Consultant Services. Please see this page "Consultant Services" in this website. God's blessings to you!

October 2014-A lot has happened, friends, since we last communicated! I am a member of Generations Church in Leander, Texas. I am also full of the Holy Spirit and growing in our Lord Jesus Christ greatly in my journey at this time!!! Praise to God , my Father!! I pray joy, peace, comfort, and deliverance in each of your lives!

September 2015-"God's Transforming Journey of Caregiving Seminars" held at G-Church in Leander, Texas. Great attendees and blessed time! Praise God! God is moving me into the healing and deliverance ministry and what a journey! Wonderful! Please continue your prayers for me and my journey through this life. Thank you. I pray for you also.

December 2015-I was trained and certified for the Healing Rooms Prayer Team Ministry! Praise God!

January 2016-This month starts the new Spirit of Hope Support Group for caregivers of dementia/Alzheimer's family members. It is faith-based and open to the Hill Country community.

April 2016-Serving as a Prayer Team minister in the Healing Rooms is fantastic and perfect for my assignment from Jesus to set captives free through deliverance and healing!

June 2016-Serving on the Luke 4:18 Deliverance Minsters Team. Healing and Deliverance are my assignments from Jesus, and I love working in these ministries through Luke 4:18 Ministries! We all need inner healing and freedom from strongholds in our lives.

July 2017-During this past year (2016), I have grown tremendously in Father God, including Bloodlines Ministry preparation. Thank you Father God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit for your unimaginable love and grace!

July 2017-Guide for Intercessors is ready. This information will help all Intercessors and those with committed prayer lives to become even more effective in warfare in these end times. I will let you know soon how you can get your copy!

August 2017-May 2018-Much has happened spiritually in my life. WOW! Life is good with Jesus! You can get the Guide for Intercessors at the Luke 4:18 Lighthouse Healing Room in Austin, Texas and at their Training Seminars. As of October, 2017, I am coordinating healing prayer teams at a nursing and rehabilitation center in Austin, Texas through the Lighthouse Healing Room. Praises to Father God for His mighty work there!

May 2018-News Flash! My new book, "Life, According to Father God" is waiting for a publisher. You won't want to miss this when it is published. I will keep you updated!

July 2019-Much has happened in the last year! Praise Father for opportunities to write several booklets and continue much spiritual growth! In August 2019, "Christ Evangelistic Ministries-Bloodlines Cleansing" ministry will begin. We have an anointed team ready to minister bloodlines cleansing on your behalf so generational iniquities will be destroyed and you can have the freedom to receive your legal inheritance and walk out your destiny that Father God intended for you and your descendants to have. We have an anointed team ready to minister to you. Hallelujah!

Copyright ©2004 by Shirley A. Walker. All rights reserved.

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